Following the Temporary Export ban
imposed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the Save Sekhemka
Action Group are campaigning for an agreement whereby the buyer of the
internationally important Egyptian Statue,
sold by Northampton Borough Council in 2014, loans the statue to a major UK Museum where
it can be once again placed on public display.
a) We will NOT be part of ANY fundraising attempt to buy the statue from the present owner.
b) We
will also seek to establish once and for all the legality of the sale.
c) We will
also ask DCMS and Arts Council England to investigate whether Northampton
Borough Council misled Christie’s as to the true ownership of the statue and
whether Christie’s undertook due diligence in accepting the artefact for sale.
[i] Currently Conservative PPC for the Constituency of Northampton South
[v] Sales Agreement released under the Freedom of Information Act
We will also continue our investigations into the legality of the original
Background to the statement
In July 2014 the then Leader of Northampton Borough Council
(NBC), Councillor David Mackintosh [i], defied national
and international advice and breached internationally held codes of museum
ethics to sell Northampton’s equivalent to the Elgin Marbles, the 4,500 years
old statue of the Egyptian Royal Scribe, Sekhemka, by auction at Christie’s in
London. The statue was sold to an unknown
overseas buyer who paid a World Record Price of £15.76 million.[ii]
The Department of Culture, Media and Sports has now clamped
a temporary ban on the export of the statue.[iii] Such a temporary ban is meant to help groups
who wish to retain the statue in the UK to either raise funds for its purchase,
or to come up with other plans to enable the statue to be retained on public display
in the UK.
The Save Sekhemka Action Group [SSAG] have opposed the sale
since October 2012 when it first became clear that the protests and warnings
from the Friends of Northampton Museums & Art Gallery (FNMAG) would be
ignored by Cllr Mackintosh and NBC.
FNMAG and the Action Group repeatedly warned that the accreditation of
Northampton’s museums would be lost and with it access all outside funding which
required accreditation, including the Heritage Lottery Fund. We were right. Accreditation was stripped from Northampton’s
Museums immediately after the sale and the Borough has already missed out on
tens of thousands of pounds in grant funding.[iv]
We objected to the commercial sale of the statue of Sekhemka
because it was immoral, unethical and unprofessional. However, our research also leads us to
suggest the legality of the sale is also doubtful. The Deed of Gift of 1880 under which Sekhemka
and other Egyptian artefacts as well as geological collections were given to
Northampton Corporation by the 4th Marquis of Northampton made the
gift on condition they were always on display and never sold –in either case
the collections would then revert to the Compton family. Thus Sekhemka may not even have been NBC’s to sell
Given the very serious legal and
ethical questions which continue to cloud the sale of Sekhemka, the Save
Sekhemka Action Group intend to tackle the present issue on three fronts:
a) We will NOT be part of ANY fundraising attempt to buy the statue from the present owner.
To do so would be to risk giving legitimacy
to similar sales contemplated by other Local Authorities. Instead we advocate the negotiation of a LONG
TERM LOAN of the statue to one of the UK’s major museums where it can be seen
at all times by the public and where it will be cared for properly. We will actively pursue this aim with Arts
Council England, the Museums Association, the Art Fund, and all relevant
professional museum bodies
We will do this through our research into
the records in Egypt in order to ascertain whether the statue was legally
exported in 1850, and into the records of Northampton Borough Council to expose
the legal and financial arrangements Cllr Mackintosh reached with the Marquis
of Northampton.
Northampton Borough Council claimed to be
the owner of the statue on the sale agreement with Christie’s and a senior NBC
Officer signed the agreement to this effect.[v] However, the Museums Association disciplinary
procedure found that the issue of ownership was far from settled and NBC did
not indisputably own the statue.[vi] This puts into question the entire legality
of the sale.
We ask:
What was the deal whereby Lord Northampton agreed not to challenge the sale and agreed to relinquish his legal right to the statue?
Why, when NBC told Christie’s that they owned Sekhemka, signed a sales agreement stating this and paid all the sales fees and premiums, was the Marquis of Northampton then paid over £6 million of public money?[vii]
- Was the £50,000+ which NBC spent on legal expenses in an apparently abortive attempt to show it owned Sekhemka a misuse of public money which in the end only benefited a private individual to the tune of over £6 million?
Our determination to get to the bottom of
the sale of Sekhemka is re-enforced by the fact that we were advised that we
had a case for a Judicial Review. And because our attempts to investigate these
matters have been repeatedly frustrated due to what we regard as a spurious
application of commercial confidentiality.
Commercial confidentiality cannot apply to the sale of an object owned
by the public. Instead it is an issue of
The Action Group does appreciate the powerful
message sent to museums by ACE and the Museums Association regarding sales from
public collections – we hope it will work.
Sadly we think it might be too little too late and it certainly did not
help in the Sekhemka case.
What is undoubtedly true is that the actions
of Councillor Mackintosh and his administration have left the reputation of
Northampton in shreds.
Gunilla Loe