Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Action Group Launches Own Survey on Proposed Sale of Sekhemka

The Save Sekhemka Action Group disapproves of the current NBC consultation document on the outcome of the sale of the Egyptian funerary statue, Sekhemka.

As an Action Group we welcome consultation but this document is slanted in favour of the money going to Delapre Abbey; the laudable plans for three museum alternatives are far too vague to inspire confidence.

In order to get a better picture of the public’s opinion the Action Group hereby launches its OWN survey; it does take NBC’s views into account but also offers an opportunity for sensible and detailed answers. Please read it and reply to it making your views clear in the comment boxes.

We will forward the result of the survey to NBC and ensure it gets publicised in the media.

We need a sensible debate on this issue and the Action Group welcomes a solution that enables the Central Museum to retain Sekhemka as well as expanding/improving museum premises in Guildhall Road and at Abington. There are many solutions – selling is NOT necessarily one of them.

So please make your voice heard. This survey will stay open until 30th November.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Please Send Your Comments!

Please leave your comments here - we want to hear if you have any memories of the statue, if you have seen it or want to see it, if you are for or against the sale or any thoughts at all on the wider implications of the proposed sale for Northampton and the museum.

We want to hear from you!

Click here to leave your comments: